Air Purification

Clean indoor air is more important than you think. Regularly changing air filters help, but specialized equipment can make a big difference in collecting airborne particles such as pollen, dirt, dander and mold. Consider hiring HVAC Specialists of Virginia to install your whole-house air filtration system in Spotsylvania, VA.

Whole Home Air Purification in Spotsylvania, Virginia

Breathe Cleaner Air with a Whole-House Air Filtration System

Are you looking to improve the indoor air quality of your home? If so, a whole-home air filtration system could be the perfect solution. Not only will a whole-home air filtration system help to keep your air clean and free of contaminants, but it can also provide a number of other benefits as well. Here are four reasons why you might need a whole-home air filtration system:

If you’re considering investing in an air filtration system, call HVAC Specialists of Virginia at 833-371-HVAC to ensure that you’re getting the right system for your needs.

4 Reasons for Whole-Home Air Filtration:

Reduce Allergens

If you’re someone who suffers from allergies, a whole-home air filtration system can help to reduce the number of allergens in your home. By filtering out dust particles, pollen, and pet dander, a whole-home air filtration system can help to reduce allergy symptoms and improve your overall health.

Remove Odors

Do you have a musty smell in your home? A whole-home air filtration system can help to remove odors from your home by filtering out the particles that cause them. This can help to make your home smell fresher and cleaner.

Improve Air Quality

If you live in an area with high levels of air pollution, a whole-home air filtration system can help to improve the air quality in your home. By trapping pollutants and other contaminants, a whole-home air filtration system can help to ensure that the air you’re breathing inside your home is clean and free of contaminants.

Increase Energy Efficiency

Finally, a whole-home air filtration system can help to increase the energy efficiency of your home. By trapping particles and pollutants, a whole-home air filtration system can help to reduce the amount of dust and dirt that builds up in your HVAC system, making it run more efficiently.

REME-LED™ Whole Home Air Purification System

The HALO-LED™ is the first mercury free, active air purification system certified ‘Zero Ozone’ compliant. The HALO-LED™ uses REME-LED® technology in combination with an automatic, self-cleaning ion generator designed to reduce airborne particulate by coagulating ultrafine particles making them easier for filters to remove. The REME-LED® cell utilizes an LED generated, high intensity UV light targeted on a hydrated quad-metallic catalyst. The UV light in conjunction with the catalyst promotes the conversion of naturally occurring water vapor into airborne molecules of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). These airborne H2O2 molecules revert to oxygen and hydrogen once they have come in contact with a pollutant.

The combination of RGF’s breakthrough REME-LED® technology and ionization in the HALO-LED™ provides the most advanced means for inactivating all types of air and surface microbial hazards (bacteria, virus, mold) and reducing airborne particulates, allergens, odors and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC’s).

HALO-LED™ can be installed anywhere there is a ducted HVAC system, and its suitable for residential and commercial applications.

“HVAC Specialists are Prompt, Professional, provide Quality work and do what they say they are going to do, when they say they are going to do it! Excellent!”

- Troy D